Friday, January 30, 2009


I finally realized that I could never possibly bring back so I decided to do this website. I do a majority of my deep thinking while I'm in the bathroom and since I do not have a laptop currently, I ask that you please bare with me. I've been desperately wanting to read lately but I cannot get into the right environment or the right state of mind to do so because there is so much television I could be watching at the same time.  My Kindle's screen kind of freaked out and turned black so I cannot read those, I must resort to paperback (so much for joining greenpeace one day). I want to reread Garden of Eden by Hemingway because it was so good but I felt like I blew through it so fast that I don't appreciate it nearly as much as I should.

One thing I have been struggling with is how much I have been wanting to read the Bible but I haven't been doing so. I went to a bible study on Sunday at Ocean Hills and don't get me wrong, the speaking was great, but it was so short that it just left me wanting so much more. I just want to sit down and read a few chapters from the bible a day but there is always something distracting me. I am going to try my hardest to read when I wake up in the morning, kind of a personal homework assignment. 

One day my journal will be funny, heart-wrenching, etc but until then, Michael Ian Black's journal is a lot better.