Saturday, March 7, 2009


I'm really bad about consistently writing in blogs whenever I have em but whatever. Last night Melissa Miller became Melissa Thoresen and it was such a beautiful wedding! I keep "bragging" about this as Tyler said last night, but I made all the bridesmaid bouquets and Melissa's bouquet and I'm so proud of them! I got the main bouquet so I'm gonna get married I guess!! Anyways, I'm so tired. I do not have the capability of sleeping in at all. Yeah I got 8 hours but this is my day off, I want to sleep till like 2pm! Oh well. I'm seeing Watchmen today, I probably won't write about how it is seeing that I don't write in this often. Maybeeeeeeeee!

1 comment:

  1. Aww my babies I love ya girl! I had fun eating panini quesadillas and walking the streets with you! Next time we'll be hitting up dad hang outs and drinking adult juice. April 25 will be a great day. That's right, A P R I L 25!!!! I got it right! Let's see about next year, though. I'll let you punch me in the face if it happens again, K? K? Oh yeah, write on this thing!!!!! I wants to read your mind...
